Chris Hunt, creator of the new graphic novel “Carver: A Paris Story,” is a veteran of New York Comic Con, having been coming to the show almost since it started in 2006. And despite having moved away from New York, he’s still very nostalgic for the convention.
“It’s the one I feel the most comfortable at,” he says. “It’s been cool to see it grow and it’s been great that the city’s actually building the infrastructure around Javits so it’s not like a no man’s land.”
Hunt, now in Boise, Idaho, lived in New York in 2013 when he got a residency working with comic creator Paul Pope.
“Carver” is a throwback pulp adventure about a globe-trotter taking on a gang in France in 1932. A part of Hunt remains here in NYC, as pages from “Carver” are hanging on the walls of his old local bar, The Jeffrey, at 311 E. 60th St. amNY spoke with Hunt, who will be signing the book at the Z2 Comics booth on Oct. 8.
What advice do you have for people going to the con who want to work in comics?
The biggest lesson I got in conjunction with con was that if you’re going to this thing expecting your life to change over the course of a few days, you’re going to miss out on the opportunities that can actually change your life. … Just go there and be yourself. Go to the after parties, don’t just go walk around the con floor in the middle of chaos.
How did living in New York inspire you as an artist?
New York, honestly, I think partly, if you’re not from there, you go there to test your mettle. … I never thought I was the best person, I definitely don’t think that now, but I know for a fact that the best people are in New York.