IFC Center has a unique film series running between Friday and July 10, featuring movies that spotlight the passage of time on the big screen ahead of next week’s release of Richard Linklater’s 12-years-in-the-making “Boyhood.”
The lineup includes the eight “Harry Potter” movies, incorporated because the stars aged in real time alongside the characters, “Rashomon” and “Citizen Kane,” which are part of the “Time Regained” series because of their innovative use of flashbacks and real-time pictures including “High Noon,” “Rope” and “Cleo From 5 to 7.”
“Russian Ark,” a film about Russian history shot entirely in one take in the Hermitage screens, as do “Groundhog Day,” Alain Resnais’ “Last Year at Marienbad” and the MGM, Vincent Minnelli musical “Brigadoon.”
Midnight movies include the first two “Terminators” and “Timecop,” starring Jean-Claude Van Damme.