Love is in the air — and in practically every shop window, Duane Reade aisle and restaurant menu come Feb. 14. As Valentine’s Day envelops New York City in red and pink hearts, fall in love with a new book about — what else? — love.
When you’ve finished your morning paper, pick up one of these releases to join in on New York City’s largest unofficial reading group: The Subway Book Club.
‘The Wedding Date’
By Jasmine Guillory
More complex but just as wedding- cake-frosting delectable as the Debra Messing rom-com sharing the same name, this book begs for a night in with a bubble bath and a glass of wine to swoon over the romance of a pediatric surgeon and a mayor’s chief of staff, who, of course, meet at a wedding (of an ex).
‘An American Marriage’
By Tayari Jones
Blissful newlyweds Celestial and Roy are forcibly separated when Roy is arrested and sentenced to 12 years in prison for a crime his wife knows he didn’t commit. A thoughtful look at relationships, race and, above all, love, Jones’ latest novel is a challenging, important and fascinating read. (Out Feb. 6)
‘White Houses’
By Amy Bloom
Those entranced by hyper-realistic historical fiction (especially taking place in New York!) will easily delve into this novel depicting the years-long romance between Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok. Based on a true story, Bloom’s book illustrates an oft-ignored piece of American history through fast-paced yet detailed and intimate prose that will have you reconsidering what is fact, and what may be fiction. (Out Feb. 13)
‘Text Me When You Get Home: The Evolution and Triumph of Modern Female Friendship’
By Kayleen Schaefer
A deep look at platonic — rather than romantic — love, Schaefer’s new nonfiction dive into the complexities, history and meaning of female friendship is pertinent to anyone who’s ever had a friend. If being single come Valentine’s Day has you down, this book reminds readers of the incomparable importance of close friendship. (Out Feb. 6)
‘I Wrote This Book Because I Love You’
By Tim Kreider
In this new collection of essays, Kreider (“We Learn Nothing”) examines his various, multifaceted relationships, friendships and feuds with women using (sometimes dark) humor to reflect on the people he’s known and how they’ve changed him. (Out Feb. 6)