
State of the Union drinking game: Boozy Barack edition

Feel ready to drink your way through this year’s #SOTU? Yes we [beer] can.

President Obama’s annual (and final) State of the Union is Tuesday.

Do your patriotic duty and watch the speech — while drinking along, of course.

Here are a few tips to keep you on track with your booze intake and patriotic interest:

Drink when …

Obama says, “Let me be clear.”

Obama says, “Make no mistake.”

Obama says, “State of the Union.”

Obama says “change” more than once in a sentence.

Obama mentions New York.

Obama misses an opportunity to tie in NYC.

Obama references “Hamilton: The Musical.” 

Obama smiles awkwardly.

Obama points … at nothing.

Only half of Congress claps.

We see FLOTUS’ arms.

Camera catches Sasha or Malia on their iPhones. Drink twice.

You feel an urge to check @RealDonaldTrump’s Twitter. 

You see something that will definitely be a GIF by morning.