
70 years ago in The Villager

Oct. 12, 1933

* With the recent increase in the popularity of roller skating, complaints about reckless skating, particularly in and around Washington Sq., had become “numerous.” Some of the complaints reached Edward G. Steinert, secretary of the Washington Sq. Association, who turned them over to the police. This resulted in the prompt arrest of nine reckless skaters, according to The Villager, one of whom was convicted and fined. After talking with Steinert, Captain McGrath, of the Mercer St. Station, detailed two special officers to patrol the square each evening, and they were reportedly keeping “heedless skaters” under control.

* Oct. 5 came and went, but nothing happened to the sidewalk cafes. That was the day Borough President Levy had decreed they must fold up their tents, umbrellas, tables and chairs and move indoors. According to The Villager, when Levy looked out the window that morning, a cold rain was pouring down, so he figured that would be the end of the cafes. The next day, however, was sunny and warm, and the cafes were back outside and flourishing. A canvas of the cafes showed they intended to go on, “provided the weather was auspicious.”

* “Leading representatives of the uptown newspapers” were guests at a luncheon given in honor of Joseph J. Librizzi, advertising director of Hearns, held in the W. 14th St. department store’s “pretentious dining room.” Among the newspapers represented were the Evening Sun, Jewish Day, Jewish Forward, Evening Journal, New York American, Herald Tribune, New York Times, Daily Mirror, Women’s Wear, Il Progresso, Staats-Zeitung, World-Telegram, Daily News and The Villager…. A full-page ad for Hearn’s, The Villager’s then-biggest advertiser, touted women’s “jaunty sports coats” for $12.98 and corset-brassieres, $1.19 each.

* Chancellor and Mrs. Harry Woodburn Chase were honored at a reception by the New York University Faculty Club at University Heights in the Bronx.

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