
Biker, Mike and the Pope


You’ll often find “Biker Billy,” left, outside Ray’s Candy Store, on Avenue A at Seventh St. Girls can’t resist having their photos taken with him — but mess with him at your peril. Fiery squatter activist Michael Shenker, seen speaking at a protest outside Tompkins Square Park when it was closed for renovations in 1990 or 1991, above, died earlier this month too young at age 54. The late Mickey Caesar, a.k.a. “The Pope of Pot,” below, invented marijuana delivery service in New York City. He operated out of various locations, including in the East Village and the Triangle Building in the Meat Market. Legend has it that once in the East Village when he was done dealing for the night, the long line of customers waiting outside threatened to burn down the building unless they got their pot — so he wisely stayed open late.