North Cove goes Hollywood
AThe upcoming week’s schedule of Community Board 1 committee meetings is below. Unless otherwise noted, all committee meetings are held at the board office located at 49 Chambers St., Room 709.
ON MON. OCT. 17 the Landmarks Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss and draft a resolution about the conversion of 232 West Broadway into a residential building with a façade renovation and four story addition; and to discuss and draft a resolution about a storefront renovation for 381 Broadway.
On MON. OCT. 17 the WTC Redevelopment Committee will meet at 6 p.m. in Assemblymember Sheldon Silver’s Office at 250 Broadway, Assembly Hearing Room on the 19th floor for an update from Michael Haberman on the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation; for a presentation concerning the Freedom Tower by David Childs for Silverstein Properties; and to discuss and draft a resolution about the slow pace of the redevelopment of the WTC site.
ON TUES. OCT. 18 Community Board 1 will hold their monthly meeting at 6 p.m. at St. John’s University, 101 Murray St., between Greenwich and West Sts.
ON THURS. OCT. 20 the Small Business Task Force Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss initiatives to aid small businesses; and for a small business forum.
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