
Friends go to Jersey to pay respects to Larry Selman

From left, Alice Elliott, Sally Dill and Kathy Donaldson at the Beth Abraham Cemetery in East Brunswick, N.J., for the unveiling of Larry Selman’s funeral stone.    Photos by Melinda Holm
From left, Alice Elliott, Sally Dill and Kathy Donaldson at the Beth Abraham Cemetery in East Brunswick, N.J., for the unveiling of Larry Selman’s funeral stone. Photos by Melinda Holm

selman-stoneBY MELINDA HOLM  |  Friends and neighbors of Larry Selman traveled to East Brunswick, N.J., last Wednesday to unveil his funeral stone.

Selman, who was developmentally disabled, died on Jan. 20, 2013, at age 70. In Jewish tradition, the headstone is typically dedicated within about a year of the person’s death.

He was considered by many to be the glue that brought the Bedford, Barrow and Commerce Sts. community together. He raised thousands of dollars for his favorite charities, as immortalized in the film “The Collector of Bedford Street.”

A mysterious and haunting perfume permeated the Beth Abraham Cemetery on the glorious spring day as Sally Dill led the gathering in reciting the 23rd Psalm.

As the traditional cheesecloth veil was removed from the stone, Kathy Donaldson, president of the Bedford Barrow Commerce Block Association, said, “We are grateful for the years we were privileged to share with Larry — years when he brought us so many pleasures, annoyances and taught us so very much by example.”

Those present said a few words about experiences with Larry over the years. Norm Steele recited the Kel Maleh Rachamin, the prayer of mercy. Ellen Millman said Kaddish and Alice Elliott finished with a prayer for Larry, “When All That’s Left Is Love,” by Rabbi Allen S. Maller.

The gathering joined hands and shared a moment of silence to end the service.