Volume 73, Number 54 | May 12 – 18, 2004
BOWERY RESIDENTS’ COMMITTEE, 30 Delancey St., 533-2020: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at BRC Homeless Senior Services to provide art, music and recreational activities to senior citizens.
CABRINI MEDICAL CENTER, 227 E. 19th St., 995-6000: DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP, 2nd Tue. monthly, 5:30 p.m.; BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP, 2nd Tue. monthly, 6 p.m.; MENOPAUSE SUPPORT GROUP, 3rd Mon. monthly, 6 p.m.
CALLEN LORDE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, 356 W. 18th St., 271-7200: Comprehensive health care, HIV health care, lesbian health services, free LGBT adolescent health care, transgender health and education, STD screening and treatment, mental health services, peer counseling and health education offered, sliding scale, Mon. 12:30 p.m.-8 p.m., Wed., 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., 3 p.m.-8 p.m., Tue.,Thur. & Fri., 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; free walk-in HIV-pos. wellness support group for men and women, Wed., 6:30-8 p.m.; HIV-pos. support group for men who have sex w/ men, call 271-7223; Spanish-speaking HIV-pos. support group beg. soon, call 271-7219; gay male long-term survivors support group, Tue., 2-3:30 p.m., not a drop-in group, call 271-7223 for more info.; general gay male psychotherapy group, Wed. 6:30-8 p.m., $15, not a drop-in group, call 271-7223 for more info.
CARING COMMUNITY, 20 Washington Sq. N., 212-777-3555: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to provide services to senior citizens and others in Greenwich Village.
F.E.G.S./Project Liberty at IPN. Free group and individual counseling. All services confidential. Call 917-842-8058.
GILDA’S CLUB, 195 W. Houston St., 647-9700: Support groups & counselors available for those affected by the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attacks, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m., call for details.
HUDSON GUILD BEACON, 333 W. 17th St., 243-7574: Mon.-Fri.– AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS, including athletics, tutoring, arts and more, 3-6 p.m, free; TEEN/ADULT PROGRAMS, incl. English as a Second Language, single parenting, athletics, performing arts, 6-10 p.m.; INTERNSHIP ACADEMIC PROGRAMS, after 6 p.m., call for more info.
JIVAMUKTI YOGA CENTER, 404 Lafayette St., 353-0214: BABY AND ME, post-partum yoga classes for parents and infants ages 6 weeks to 12 months, call for more info.; PRE-NATAL YOGA, exercises to help expecting women adjust to their changing bodies, Mon.-Thur., 10-11:30 a.m.
PANIC RELIEF, INC., Manhattan Meetings, 877-267-2442: Educational Programs to overcome anxiety and function effectively, Thursdays, 7 p.m.
PENN SOUTH, 290 Ninth Ave., 243-3670: Social Day Center program for memory impaired adults, limited financial aid is available, call for information.
RECOVERY, INC. at Greenwich House every Tue. Or Wed., 7-9 p.m., Free weekly self-help group for those suffering from fear, depression, anxiety, etc. Call (718) 241-2220 for info. & other locations.
ST. VINCENT’S HOSPITAL, 153 W. 11th St., call 604-7572 for general info: Second & Fourth Tue.–Alzheimer’s support group for spouses, 2-3:30 p.m., call 604-7332 for more info.; BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS, Wed., 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 36 Seventh Ave., FOOD SMARTS FOR NUTRITION AND WEIGHT CONTROL, Wed., 6 p.m., Thur., noon, 8 weeks, 1-hour class, $95 & $75, pre-register; NUTRITION CONSULTS, by appt., $55; FITNESS CONSULTS, by appt., $40; PERSONAL WELLNESS PROFILE, by appt., $55; CHOLESTEROL TESTING, by appt., $20; PARENT EDUCATION, call 604-7646 for times; MATERNITY EDUCATION CLASSES, 604-7946, in baby care, breast- feeding, childbirth, CPR for infants, parenthood and sibling preparation, classes meet once each month, call for schedule and costs; PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES, 8-week programs in newborn, older baby and toddler care, call for schedule and costs; BODY COMPOSITION TESTING, report w/ recommendations, by appt.; SMOKE STOPPERS, a 5-wk., 8 session quit-smoking program, call for time & fee; SPEAKERS BUREAU, arrange to have a health professional speak to a group on a topic of your interest, free to non-profits, call for more info.; CHOLESTEROL TESTING & COUNSELING, $25.
VILLAGE ZENDO, 588 Broadway, Suite 910, 212-340-4656: A Zen Community, daily Zazen meditation & weekly Dharma talk, see schedule for times & other events, villagezendo.org or contact zenshika@hotmail.com.
YOUNG ISRAEL OF FIFTH AVE., 3 W. 16th St., 255-4826: Mon.–Bereavement group, free.