Heartfelt D’Lugoff piece
To The Editor:
Re “For Art D’Lugoff, at heaven’s gate” (obituary, Nov. 11):
A big thank you to Jerry Tallmer for the heartfelt and informative obituary on Art D’Lugoff, impresario and saloonkeeper extraordinaire. I had the pleasure of working with Art on several Washington Square Music Festival benefits at the Village Gate, and his enthusiasm and energy matched his musical knowledge — first- rate!
Many years ago, my husband and I frequented his club, catching such talents as Jacques Brel and Nina Simone. Both artistically and politically, Art was an important force in the Village and in the city; and his chef served up some of the best potato salad in town.
Requiescat in pace, Art, but knowing you, I bet you are helping the heavenly choir update their material in preparation for an earthly gig. Maybe 2012 is the opening date?
Peggy Friedman
To The Editor:
Re “ ‘Banned breeds’ out of doghouse, but 40-lb. cap restored” (news article, Nov. 18):
Your article states that the New York City Housing Authority has revoked its revised pet policy prohibiting pit bulls, Rottweilers and Doberman pinschers (purebred or mixed breed) and dogs weighing more than 25 pounds, but this is not the case. NYCHA is simply extending the registration period for the prior pet policy, so that NYCHA residents will now have until Jan. 31, 2010, to register dogs of any breed weighing up to 40 pounds.
However, it is our hope that NYCHA will be amenable to permanent revision of the revised pet policy for the sake of its residents, their canine family members and the thousands of shelter animals in need of loving homes.
Ed Sayres
Sayres is president and C.E.O., American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
Fuming over Catsimatidis
To The Editor:
It’s interesting to note that John Catsimatidis (“Gristedes chief on warpath against Indian cigarettes,” news article, Nov. 18) no longer sells cigarettes at the University Place Gristedes — not because of any public health concerns, but because of competition from Native American vendors. And because the competition beats his prices, he files a lawsuit. Sorry, John: That’s capitalism. You play the game, then learn to lose gracefully.
And why didn’t The Villager call Catsimatidis out on his racist comment, “We haven’t been scalped yet”? That kind of appeal to bigotry should not be dismissed as a bad attempt at being witty.
For that matter, the use of “warpath” in your headline plays up the racist stereotype, too. How about an apology?
On my part, I will no longer shop at Jefferson Market, nor will I patronize Gristedes.
Bill Koehnlein
The never-ending struggle
To The Editor:
Re “We’re all sick with greed” (letter, by Michael Gottlieb, Nov. 4):
I do not accept that I am greedy, selfish and have no compassion. I have all these qualities, but I struggle against them, and I do not accept them in any way as my standard or a norm.
What you might be guilty of, Mr. Gottlieb, aside from underestimating people — offensive as people can be — and besides your enjoyment of a moment of cynicism, what you have done in your letter to The Villager is to say that power does not carry responsibilities.
It does.
That is why I enjoy listening to President Obama.
Frank Merritt
E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 145 Sixth Ave., ground floor, NY, NY 10013. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. The Villager does not publish anonymous letters.