Only in Bernie-land
To The Editor:
At the Bernie Sanders rally in Washington Square Park, I spoke to some New York University students that actually believe that Bernie will get N.Y.U. to become a free college.
What fantasyland do these kids live in? I can see community colleges being free or lower cost, but let’s get real.
Between Hillary and Bernie, I think I will sit this election out. I don’t know what scares me more, these two or the Cons in the other party.
Jerry Blake
Vote against corruption
To The Editor:
Re “Vote Sanders and join the political revolution” (editorial, April 14):
The only issue that should matter to anyone is getting the corruption out of Washington. The “Progressive” era, best represented by Teddy Roosevelt, has been whittled away by the “establishments” to the point it no longer exists. The modern-day “robber barons” have enriched themselves, along with the crony-loving congresspersons who, almost invariably, become lobbyists in “retirement.”
Anyone read “Throw Them All Out” or “Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few”? We are in trouble, folks. The wealthy have been paying less and less in taxes since the early ’60s. This is the main reason for the deficit spending Washington is guilty of.
Who is it that would keep taxes on the wealthy low, and keep making them lower, in the face of a certain financial crisis that would result from a monumentally, irreversible debt bomb? Only the corrupt — who benefit from it. Corporatists and Congress — might as well be a movie, “The Devil’s Advocate II.”
Jim Hynes
Independent news
To The Editor:
Re “Vote Sanders and join the political revolution” (editorial, April 14):
Thank you. I was starting to wonder if there were any independent news outlets left in the United States. The Sanders campaign really needs to focus on older and minority voters who are already registered. I believe many people will switch once they hear Bernie’s message.
John Hardt
Brother Bernie! Let it be!
To The Editor:
Re “Vote Sanders and join the political revolution” (editorial, April 14):
Bernie is our answer — let it be, let it be!
Kay Wheeler
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