Theater of the absurd
To The Editor:
Well, the zombie apocalypse of the brain dead came off very successfully for Count Trumpula, who proclaimed to his ghoulish followers that Halloween was for amateurs. Now, as he fills his “House of Horrors,” we are experiencing Trump anxiety disorder.
So, I suggest a satirical truth force in every city. For although sometimes hate trumps love, it never trumps truth in the long run. Gandhi put his faith in his truth force with his civil disobedience.
There is an old Chinese curse disguised as a blessing: “May you live in interesting times.”
Richard West
Get over it!
To The Editor:
Re “Future shock: Stories about the new Trump era” (talking point, by Tim Gay, Nov. 17):
Good grief! Is it possible to tone this stuff down a bit. You sound like a whiney sore loser. It is 1,451 more days until the next presidential election. I am not sure I can last.
Monica Lee
Well, you got your wish
To The Editor:
Re “Lesser-evilism is just bad” (letter, by John David Baldwin, Nov. 10):
Nope. Jill Stein explicitly supports an Assad victory.
See .
And what kind of “peaceful settlement” can there be with a regime that is exterminating its own people?
Finally, Mr. Baldwin appears not to understand the difference between casting a tactical vote and selling your soul. Now we will all have to pay for this self-indulgent purer-than-thou nonsense.
Bill Weinberg
We have lost a giant
To The Editor:
Re “R.I.P., Carmen” (Scoopy’s Notebook, Nov. 17):
My deepest condolences to Carmen’s family, and to all who knew her. We have lost a fearless warrioress, a giant of humanity when we most need her spirit, commitment, humility and activism.
Penny Arcade
In a new groove with MOVE
To The Editor:
Re “Something smells rotten about new food-cart bill” (talking point, by Robert Lederman, Nov. 10):
Mr. Lederman’s op-ed column ignores the on-the-ground reality for people like myself — food vendors. Recently, I was fortunate enough to trade in my food cart for a new MOVE Systems cart. I sell hot dogs at Greenwich St. in Tribeca and have been a vendor for 49 years operating with my own permit.
Having a MOVE Systems cart is an extraordinary opportunity for me. With the clean-energy system on the new cart, I am no longer breathing fumes all day and neither are my customers or people walking down the street.
Working with MOVE has provided me with resources that have opened up entrepreneurial possibilities that were not possible with my previous cart. I also know that MOVE Systems is my partner and I can rely on them to support me.
So far, my customers like what they see and are excited about the evolution of my business. I hope more vendors will benefit from MOVE carts like I have.
Chris Mustello
We’ve been co-opted
To The Editor:
Re “There’s a reason they call it Hell Square” (Clayton, by Clayton Patterson, Nov. 17):
The Lower East Side used to be about working-class families. The area has been co-opted by external economic forces and no longer functions as a neighborhood, but as a playground for silver-spoon carpetbaggers.
Chris Rael
Art against fascism
To The Editor:
Re “We need Outlaw Art now more than ever” (news article, Nov. 17):
Alan Kaufman has been consistent all the way down this rocky road we call American culture and politics. “The Outlaw Bible of American Art” is the fourth book he’s edited in the series of Outlaw books, starting with “The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry.” He gives a voice to the dispossessed and the marginalized, and by so doing, he starts and then continues the process of taking back our populist culture from the fascist elites.
Ron Kolm
E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.