
Letters, Week of August 21, 2012

A.I., overhaul your whole curriculum!

To the Editor:
Re “Art Institute grads face uncertain, debt-filled future” (news article, Aug. 8):

The Art Institute of New York City is a business just like every other college, trade school or learning institution. No one is forcing kids to sign up — all the information is in their contract. A.I. could use a revamping of their curriculum, though, not just one business course!

I am a student there, and it’s benefited me a great deal, but I don’t expect A.I. to hand me a job. I see a lot of people there who clearly have no business being there and were probably sold on a fantasy. Also, many of the students come to class stoned (if they come at all), text during lectures or are on Facebook. Do they seriously expect to land a job? Sadly, we’re either forced to go to college or suffer a life of struggle in dead-end jobs. But I’d rather have the degree and be in debt than have neither.
Don Donalds

Remember Mother Jones

To the Editor:
Re “Downtown Express is sold to I.T. executive Jennifer Goodstein” (news article,  Aug. 1 web issue):

Best wishes to my once and future colleagues. John, enjoy your next step. Jennifer, in the words of Mother Jones, I hope you’ll use your media to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”
Rich Stein,
online editor of LIHerald.com and co-publisher emeritus of The Riverdale Press

Thank you, John

To the Editor:
Re “John Sutter says goodbye (editorial, Aug. 8 web issue):

On behalf of the Downtown Alliance, I want to join the many voices applauding John Sutter for his strong, civic-minded leadership of the Downtown Express, especially after 9/11. The Downtown Express has run more than 1,700 stories on rescue, recovery and reconstruction efforts in Lower Manhattan; his coverage of how Lower Manhattan has triumphed has brought us all together. John is an essential reason why Lower Manhattan is a global model of a 21st century central business district — a community where businesses, residents, students and visitors from throughout the world want to be.
Elizabeth H. Berger,
President of The Alliance for Downtown New York

Addicted to Amateau

To the Editor:
Re “A lifelong newsman looks back as he approaches 80” (news article, July 19):

I have been a member of AA (i.e., a reader of Al Amateau’s articles) for decades and when out of town need a fix! Take a rest, but don’t stay away too long.
Dianna Maeurer

    E-mail letters, not longer than 300 words in length, to aline@downtownexpress.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to Downtown Express, Letters to the Editor, 515 Canal St., Suite 1C, NY, NY 10013. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. Downtown Express reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Downtown Express does not publish anonymous letters.