
Letters, Week of Sept. 25, 2014

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018

Whoa! That’s offensive

To The Editor:
Re “In drag-out fight, neighbors say to give queens the boot” (news article, Sept. 18) and “Patrol gets booted” (Scoopy’s Notebook, Sept. 18):

As a resident of the far West Village, I am shocked and offended by the comment from Dave Poster, head of the Christopher St Patrol: “We highly disapprove of Boots N Saddle reopening on 47 Seventh Ave. — or basically anywhere in the West Village.”


Boots N Saddle is an institution and the nabe should be trying to help it find an appropriate spot for relocation.

Good for Pastor Mark Erson booting these vigilantes out of his church on Christopher St.
Kate Walter

Patrol lacked backup

To The Editor:
“Patrol gets booted” (Scoopy’s Notebook, Sept. 18):

Fortunately, the church’s position on Boots N Saddle seems to be one of tolerance, and a search for compromise — unlike the patrol, which would have done well to sit down with its host church and compare notes before going into such a contentious meeting. In a perfect and gay/historically respectful Greenwich Village, the church would have had the opportunity to kick the patrol out in advance of the meeting.

I wonder if the Greenhouse location would be a good fit for Boots N Saddle. Just thinkin’ out loud… . Or the space where the iHop was at Carmine and Varick Sts., currently the pop-up Halloween store. They should get it before someone else does. The cabaret could be downstairs, to mitigate show noise — like Cornelia Street Cafe — and bar and whatever else upstairs.
Patrick Shields

Wind of change? Nope

To The Editor:
Re “Riding wind of discontent, Zephyr runs strong” (news article, Sept. 11):

It depends on how you look at voter sentiment, but in my view 34 percent of the vote does not a winner make (especially since the turnout was so poor to begin with).

While some of our friends did vote for Zephyr and some clubs endorsed her, her coattails were much too short and her campaign issues weren’t enough for an overthrow of an incumbent. 

Let us hope, though, that Mr. Cuomo got the message about fracking, education and corruption (Hey, didn’t some of the indicted win office again? Ooops!) and move on.
Sylvia Rackow

‘Eyewitness’ pot shot

To The Editor:
While hosting “Up Close With Diana Williams,” Bill Ritter of Channel 7 “Eyewitness News” recently stated that New York State shouldn’t be like California and legalize medical marijuana, so that “anyone with a hangnail can smoke a joint.”

Now I don’t want to rehash old and established facts like the economic advantages of industrial hemp, the ecological benefits of paper made with hemp hurds, or the fact that marijuana is among the oldest and safest members of the pharmacopeia.

I would, however, like to ask Mr. Ritter just what, exactly, is so terrible about a person with a hangnail smoking a joint?
Jerry The Peddler

Doing great, keep it up!

To The Editor:
Re “There’s only one way to save our small businesses” (talking point, by Sharon Woolums, Sept. 11):

Ms. Woolums, I consistently appreciate your articles. You’ve done the Village a great service. Keep up the good work!
Joseph Daquino

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager does not publish anonymous letters.