Volume 20 Issue 4 | June 8 – 14, 2007
Letters to the editor
L.M.D.C. needs more change
To The Editor:
Re “The L.M.D.C. under Spitzer” (editorial, June 1 – 7):
I applaud your enthusiasm for the much-needed overhaul of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation board. And the appointment of a Community Board 1 member is a good first start. Yet, as Downtown Express has documented over the years, the allocation of L.M.D.C. resources has not benefited all residents of Lower Manhattan equally. Low-income residents, especially in Chinatown and the Lower East Side, were disproportionately impacted by the attacks yet have had no representation on the L.M.D.C. board.
I hope Downtown Express will also urge Gov. Spitzer to appoint board members with expertise in affordable housing and workforce development. This would be an important step toward balancing the scales for those constituencies without the political clout currently represented on the L.M.D.C. board.
Bettina Damiani
Project director, Good Jobs New York
Letters policy
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