
L’s really clean, really crowded

NYPIRG’s Straphangers Campaign last week issued its 12th annual “State of the Subways” report card, rating the No. 7 train as the best of the city’s 21 subway lines with a “MetroCard Rating” of $1.55 and the C train the worst, with a rating of 50 cents. The L line came in second with a $1.50 MetroCard Rating.

Both the No. 7 and L are run by line general managers who have been given a greater degree of independence and accountability to the riders, along with more cleaning resources.

The second-place L performed above average on five measures: frequency of scheduled service, regularity of service (first place), delays caused by mechanical breakdowns, dirty cars (first place) and announcements. The L captured the title of cleanest line with only 2 percent of cars having moderate or heavy dirt, while 20 percent of cars on the dirtiest line — the F — had moderate or heavy dirt. The L rated last, however, on the chance of getting a seat — only 24 percent — during rush hour. The L runs between 14th St./Eighth Ave. and Canarsie, Brooklyn.