
Play ball! Little League gets 20th season rolling at J.J. Walker Field


The Greenwich Village Little League held its third annual Opening Day at J.J. Walker ball field last Saturday morning. About 300 players, from T-ballers to the Majors, made their way from the Carmine St. Recreation Center on Seventh Ave. to the field, where they paraded around the diamond with team banners. League president Barry Lafer was emcee of this year’s event, which was sponsored by Wachovia. Joe Kehoe of Wachovia Securities, Liberty Plaza branch, threw out the first pitch. In addition, Wachovia bought G.V.L.L. a new electric scoreboard, which the players admired as they circled around the outfield. The event was held at J.J. Walker this year instead of on Pier 40 to commemorate where the league started 20 years ago with only four teams, and to unveil the scoreboard. Today, the league boasts over 50 teams.