
Rex Tillerson, Trump’s secretary of state nominee and Exxon Mobil CEO: What to know

Both Democrats and Republicans have expressed concern over President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson.

The choice of the Exxon Mobil CEO, who has close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, has brought into question whether national or corporate interests will be at play if he heads the State Department.

“While Rex Tillerson is a respected businessman, I have serious concerns about his nomination,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a statement.

Sen. Bernie Sanders said the selection of Tillerson sends a “troubling message.”

“In this appointment, Mr. Trump is making it abundantly clear that the short-term profits of the fossil fuel industry are more important than climate change and the future of the planet,” Sanders (I-Vt.) said in a statement.

Scroll down for some more information about Tillerson.