A few weeks ago, The Villager profiled John Dikun, 80, who has been a regular at Vazacs Bar at Seventh St. and Avenue B for 58 years — but only twice a week. The Dec. 15 article was accompanied by a photograph, above, of Dikun by Bob Arihood. Last Friday night, Arihood noticed a sticker, right, on the clear plastic exterior of the grocery store on Avenue A between Seventh and Sixth Sts. featuring what clearly appears to be a drawing inspired by his portrait of Dikun. “I think ‘El Johnny’ was copied from The Villager photo,” said Arihood, who added he’ll be on the lookout around the East Village for more of the stickers. The sticker’s using “El” before “Johnnie” at first might appear to be a way of adding a bit of Latin flair to Dikun’s name, but may, in fact, refer to Dikun’s former job — as a conductor on the Third Ave. El train.