
Two shot at Brooklyn apartment building in gun violence-plagued community

Officers stand guard at scene of Brooklyn shooting
Officers from Police Service Area 2 discovered a 35 year old man and 19 year old woman shot in the lobby of 315 Sutter Ave. in Brooklyn on June 8, 2024.
Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Two more people were shot early on Saturday morning in a Brooklyn neighborhood that has been bombarded by gun violence all year.

Law enforcement sources said gunfire erupted at about 3:03 a.m. on June 8 at the Langston Hughes Houses located at 315 Sutter Ave. in Brownsville, within the confines of the 73rd Precinct. It was the area’s fourth shooting this week.

Officers responding to the scene Saturday found a 19-year-old woman shot in the right shoulder, and a 35-year-old man struck in the right arm. EMS took both victims to Brookdale University Hospital, where they were listed in stable condition.

Well after sunrise Saturday, police were still on the scene combing the area for clues. A trail of blood served as a reminder of the gun violence; it led from the building lobby onto the sidewalk.

A trial of blood ran from the lobby to the street following a shooting at 315 Sutter Ave. in Brooklyn on June 8, 2024.Photo by Lloyd Mitchell
The 73rd Precinct leads Brooklyn in gun violence incidents so far this year.Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

The 73rd Precinct has been rocked with gun violence throughout 2024. Through June 2, according to the most recent CompStat report, the 73rd Precinct has seen 13 homicides, more than triple the year-to-date total recorded at the same point last year, along with 24 shootings with 28 victims. At the same point last year, there had been 16 shootings with 17 victims.

Earlier in the week, two girls were shot and wounded when gunmen opened fire at the Hilltop Playground on Dean Street. Before that, a 14-year-old boy was shot and killed at the Howard Houses during alleged gunplay with his 12-year-old cousin.

Overall crime in the command is down a little more than 1% so far in 2024, but that brings no comfort to residents who are fed up with the ongoing gun violence.

“I am praying for the victims,” said building resident Patricia Bookings after Saturday’s shooting. “This is absolutely senseless and heartbreaking. This community never learns or grows.”

So far, no arrests have been made in the ongoing investigation. Both victims have been uncooperative with detectives, police sources reported.

Anyone with information regarding the shooting can call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial 888-57-PISTA). You can also submit tips online at crimestoppers.nypdonline.org, or on X (formerly Twitter) @NYPDTips. All calls and messages are kept confidential.