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COLLECTIVE: UNCONSCIOUS, 145 Ludlow St., 254-5277: Tue.–Robert Beck Memorial Cinema, local, underground & independent films, 9:30 p.m., $5.

MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, Gramercy Theater, 127 E. 23rd St., 777-4900: Call for current showings.

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Cantor Film Center, 36 E. Eighth St., 212-414-2688: call for schedule & more information, 212-998-1795.

SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS, MOMA Film/Gramercy Theater, 127 E. 23rd St., 212-592-2195: call for schedule & information.

THE SCREENING ROOM, 54 Varick St., 334-2100: Sun.–“Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” based on the novel by Truman Capote, starring Audrey Hepburn, 1:30 p.m.


Den of Sin, 44 Ave. A, 254-0800: call for information on current films.

Pioneer Theater, 155 E. Third St., 254-3300: Sun.–SHORT FILM SLAM, show your original films and videos before an audience in a real cinema setting, call for guidelines, 2-4 p.m., sign-up 1:30 p.m.