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Photo by Daniel Kwak
This timeline of the Chelsea bombing of Saturday, September 17, 2016 is based on photo and news reporting from Michael Appleton, Gabe Carroll, Sean Egan, Daniel Kwak, Gustavo Martinez, Dusica Sue Malesevic, Tequila Minsky, Naeisha Rose, Scott Stiffler, Eileen Stukane, and Zach Williams.
The corner of Seventh Ave. and W. 23rd St. at 9:15 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 17, 2016. Approximately 45 minutes earlier, an explosion was heard as far west as 10th Ave. The point of origin turned out to be W. 23rd, on the block between Sixth and Seventh Aves. The NYPD, Homeland Security, Con Edison, and the FDNY quickly arrived on the scene. The total number of injured would be 31, from what was later determined to be a terrorist act. Photo by Scott Stiffler.
FDNY personnel with a stretcher and response gear at the ready, shortly after the explosion. Photo by Daniel Kwak.
Just under three hours after the explosion, at 11:20 p.m., Mayor Bill de Blasio held a press conference on W. 23rd St. (btw. Fifth & Sixth Aves.). “We believe it was intentional,” he stated, despite earlier speculation of a link to construction happening at the point of the explosion, near Selis Manor (for the blind and visually impaired, 135 W. 23rd St.). As of 11:24 p.m., W. 27th St. (btw. Sixth & Seventh Aves.) was being investigated by the NYPD as a secondary site of interest. An unexploded device would later be linked to the W. 23rd St. incident. Photo by Zach Williams.
Bomb-sniffing dogs patrolled the surrounding area throughout the night of the explosion and into the early morning hours of Sept. 18. Photo by Daniel Kwak.
Jane Schreibman, at the W. 27th St. location where she saw the bomb, then reported it. “I’m not a hero,” she insisted, “I’m a New Yorker. Anyone would have done this.” Photo by Tequila Minsky.
West 23rd St. at Seventh Ave. on the morning of Sun., Sept. 18. The block would remain closed to vehicular traffic until the following evening. Photo by Scott Stiffler.
A Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle, parked outside of the Malibu Diner (163 W. 23rd St.). With the combined efforts of Malibu and Red Cross staff, 200 blind or vision-impaired residents of nearby Selis Manor received brunch the morning after the bombing. Photo by Scott Stiffler.
Sun., Sept. 18: Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo outside King David Gallery (131 W. 23rd St.), which sustained damage as a result of the previous night’s explosion. Photo by Michael Appleton, Mayoral Photography Office.
During a tour of the area, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo examined a rolling dumpster later confirmed as the explosion’s point of origin. Photo by Michael Appleton, Mayoral Photography Office.
On the rainy morning of Mon., Sept. 19, the block of the explosion was still closed. Photo by Scott Stiffler.
A man surveys damage to W. 23rd St. (btw. Sixth & Seventh Aves.) on the night of Mon., Sept. 19, just after the block was reopened to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Photo by Daniel Kwak.
Working on the block of the bombing, Dayron Rodriguez of GLASSwerks said, “I’ve seen broken glass, but this a lot in one shot.” Photo by Dusica Sue Malesevic.
The shattered windows of Orangetheory Fitness (124 W. 23rd St.) remained in this state for several months after the bombing. Photo by Scott Stiffler.
On Fri., Sept. 23, a NY State Dept. of Financial Services Mobile Command Center was parked on W. 23rd St. (btw. Sixth and Seventh Aves.), offering info to businesses damaged and/or impacted by lack of pedestrian traffic in the days following the bombing. Photo by Scott Stiffler.
Binod Bhattari of Landmark Wine & Spirits (167 W. 23rd St.) stands beside a sign that greeted shoppers who took part in Sept. 24’s Chelsea Small Business Crawl, organized to support those who lost business while the block of the Chelsea bombing was closed to pedestrian traffic. Photo by Naeisha Rose.