I will never stop fighting
To The Editor:
I’m writing this right now, as I watch Hillary give her concession speech.
I’m not going to be alone in this, but I am angry, I am upset, I am tired. And yet, despite all of this, I haven’t lost hope. Our next president will be a man who has shown himself to be unstable, racist and a misogynist. It’s time to assess how we failed those disenfranchised voters, and how we can fight for those among us who are now at risk under the upcoming administration.
The most important thing we can do right now is breathe, take a moment, and look at what really matters to you.
If Hillary Clinton had won, the same problems would be with us the next day. Nothing changes overnight. Rents in our neighborhood would still be skyrocketing. We would still have individuals whose civil liberties are being violated. We would still see our small businesses being pushed out of the neighborhood.
This is the next chapter in the Democratic Party. We need to uproot the deep-seated corruption we faced this election, and we need to look at what we really want to see happen in our community.
I promise to everyone here that I will never stop fighting, and I hope you will join me for the next chapter of our Democratic Party.
Erik Coler
Coler is vice president, Village Independent Democrats
Trump, Nostradamus and us
To The Editor:
There was nothing wrong with Clinton’s platform and presentation or right about Trump’s. So, what this presidential election proved beyond a doubt, again, was the increasing power of the media, business and political coalitions to deliberately misinform and persuade naive voters to elect their worst enemies everywhere — thus cleverly subverting our democratic system.
History teaches that when conservatives are in power, their unchecked greed creates bubble-and-burst economic disasters repeatedly, which almost destroyed our system in 2008.
With this knowledge of the past and with the not just conservative, but dangerously unpredictable, national leaders now taking control, only a Nostradamus could predict what the next four years hold, or how to securely defend yourself if in the 99 percent.
Sy Schleimer
Prove us wrong, Don
To The Editor:
Dear Donald Trump, I don’t want to stand against you for who you or are or what you have done. I don’t want you to fail, because if you fail, America fails. I want to be proud of my home city. If I end up standing in Times Square in 2020 chanting your name while giving cops hugs and taking photos of elated people of every ethnicity, I’m all for it.
Change, change, turn, turn, a time for every season.
God be with us. I can’t afford to be a judge of character, but I do have a camera. I will continue to use it. Donald Trump, my photos in Times Square on the eve of your victory showed a city in mourning and shock. What will it look like in 2020?
Jim Flynn
Carts vs. pedestrians
To The Editor:
Re “Something smells rotten about new food-cart bill” (talking point, by Robert Lederman, Nov. 10):
This is so clearly a giveaway to special interests at the expense — and sanity — of all New Yorkers. There are zero protections for pedestrians. This is a one-sided bill and, yes, extremely fishy! I just hope people reach out to their representatives to encourage them to drop this insane proposal!
Andrew Fine
E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.