
Miller earns state honors

Eleven- year-old Downtown Soccer League player Nathan Miller has been selected by the New York State Soccer Association for participation in the New York State Olympic Development Program. Miller and Downtown United Soccer Club player Alexandra Bushman are the first boy and girl from Downtown to be selected for this highly-competitive soccer program. Miller, a Battery Park City resident, plays for Downtown Soccer League on the Monaco and Metrostars team; the Downtown United Soccer club; and the Cosmopolitan Premier Soccer League. In addition, Miller qualified for a national three vs. three competition in Florida this January. Selection into the Olympic Development Program involves rigorous try outs in which 35 players are chosen from throughout the southern region of New York.

“It’s unusual for Manhattan kids to be chosen,” Nathan’s father, Alan Miller, said. “The process is quite competitive, and draws from a pool of players from Long Island as well as the five boroughs.”

—Ashley Winchester

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