
New York leaders react to de Blasio’s election win

Here are some of the reactions on Bill de Blasio’s election win.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo:

"Tonight New York City voters have opened an exciting new chapter in our State’s largest city with the election of incoming Mayor Bill de Blasio. On a personal level, it is particularly gratifying to see Bill, a true friend and former colleague, win tonight. He has the experience to run New York City, a compelling vision for its future and he and his family epitomize the New York story. As New York City’s next Mayor, I know Bill will be a tremendous partner in moving this great City forward."

State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver:

"Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio’s victory tonight is a win for New York’s hard working families and children. New York City has long been a shining beacon of opportunity for people everywhere, and his progressive vision and policies will undoubtedly move us forward and provide hope to all our citizens. Bill and his family have had a historic and profound effect upon our political landscape, demonstrating that New York’s diversity is truly our strength. I look forward to working with Bill de Blasio as his partner in state government to enact the changes necessary to keep our city the most dynamic and exciting place in the world."

Kathryn Wylde, President & CEO of the Partnership for New York City:

"With New York City facing increased competition from cities around the world, the city’s business community looks forward to working with Mayor-Elect de Blasio to ensure New York City remains a winning location to start or expand a business and create well-paying jobs."

Joan Malin, of the Planned Parenthood of New York City Political Action Committee

"His long history of legislating and advocating on behalf of reproductive health and justice, and his continuing commitment to ending health disparities, can give women across the city confidence in his leadership. We congratulate mayor-elect de Blasio on his win and look forward to working with him to improve access to sexual and reproductive health services for all residents of New York City."