
Vote this Tuesday

We hope predictions of low voter turnout this Tuesday prove not to be true. In most of the races, the Democratic nominee has token opposition and is expected to cruise to victory. The notable exception to Democratic dominance is of course the mayor’s race, in which Mayor Mike Bloomberg is way ahead in the polls. Few political observers give Comptroller Bill Thompson much chance to beat him.

But no absentee ballots have been counted yet, so everyone still has zero votes. These are important races that will determine what kind of city we live in. We’ve heard from Thompson supporters complaining about Bloomberg’s formidable spending advantage, but Thompson did get his message out, and no amount of money can prevent people from going out to vote for their candidates. We also know people who think Bloomberg is a better mayor than Thompson would be, but they are uneasy about contributing to what they guess will be a Bloomberg landslide win and may not come out. There’s only one poll that counts and that tally will be made at voting sites Nov. 3.

To find out where you are supposed to vote or for other information call the city’s Board of Elections at 866-vote-nyc or visit vote.nyc.ny.us.

We remind our readers that we have previously endorsed Bloomberg, as well as Margaret Chin, Christine Quinn and Rosie Mendez in the Downtown City Council races. You can read our endorsements at downtownexpress.com.

We have not yet endorsed in the borough president’s race because there was no primary and there is not much of a general election. We do think that Scott Stringer has done a very good job as borough president, particularly in professionalizing the community board selection process. He deserves four more years and we endorse him in Tuesday’s election.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with our choices, we do hope you come out to vote Tuesday. Otherwise, you might as well talk to the mirror the next time you’d like to complain.