
Yankee may go down the river


Richard Mackenzie-Childs said when his Yankee Ferry has to leave Pier 25 Nov. 12 he hopes to have a new home secured at Pier A in Battery Park.

The Yankee, a 1907-vessel that once shuttled new immigrants from Ellis Island to Lower Manhattan, has to find a new spot to make way for construction of the Tribeca section of the Hudson River Park.

Mackenzie-Childs said he won’t be able to tug the Yankee to Staten Island for needed repairs Nov. 12 unless he can guarantee the dry dock site that he has a place to take the boat once it’s fixed.

He does want to bring the Yankee back to its home for the last 15 years, Pier 25, once it reopens. He said the park will need the ship back. “There’s a great chance it’ll end up being a very sterile park,” he said.

Chris Martin, spokesperson for the Trust, said the Yankee can’t go to Pier 40 because the only area where it would fit is deteriorating.

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