David Nadel: Burns II
Most of Nadel’s images have been gathered in the northern Rocky Mountains. More specifically, his photographs capture a landscape altered by massive forest fires. The latter have traveled over mountainsides, blackened thousands of acres of woodland and left nothing but giant “burns.” As these fires travel quickly, they mostly consume the lighter and dryer parts of the forest. Black tree trunks solely remain and appear as otherworldly relics. At first, these landscapes seem desolate. But Nadel’s images still succeed in uncovering a sense of serene beauty. Ashes might read as snow or an opaque layer, which veils destruction in poetic abstraction.
Through March 10, at Sasha Wolf Gallery (70 Orchard St, btw. Broome & Grand Sts.). Hours: Wed.-Sun., 12-6pm. Call 212-925-0025 or visit sashawolf.com.
—Stephanie Buhmann