
Celebrating green on the ‘Dirty Boulevard’


Jana Haimsohn, above at right, danced liked she had beaten City Hall last Friday night outside Canal Park. Eight years ago, Haimsohn and neighbors formed the Canal West Coalition and they filed a lawsuit with the Tribeca Community Association to reclaim the park, which was illegally taken away to build the Holland Tunnel 85 years ago. The park reopened this summer and neighbors celebrated with the city Parks Dept. at a ribbon cutting during the day and a concert in the evening. One of Canal St.’s most famous sons, Lou Reed, below, sang “Dirty Blvd” on the normally-congested street. Laurie Anderson (not shown), who lives with Reed also performed, as did Prica Ouya, who danced with Haimsohn. Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe said, “this is a lawsuit we were happy to lose.”

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