
Chefs Cook up Benefit for Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen

Funds raised at “From Farm to Tray” will help provide nutritious meals to those in need.
Funds raised at “From Farm to Tray” will help provide nutritious meals to those in need.

The Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, the city’s largest emergency food program, will soon be entering its busy summer season — when children and families join the ranks of those seeking a nutritious meal.  To help meet this need, some of New York’s top chefs will lend their talents to “From Farm to Tray.” Taking place in the beautiful sanctuary of the landmark Holy Apostles Church (where the soup kitchen serves its daily meals), this benefit gala offers a tasting menu of food and beverages from ingredients sourced within a 100-mile radius. The featured chefs include Colt Taylor (One If By Land, Two If By Sea), Kurt Kretschmar (Cocktail Caterers) and Preston Madson & Ginger Pierce (Freemans, Peels & Isa).


Thurs. May 16, at the Church of the Holy Apostles, (296 Ninth Ave., at 28th St.). Tickets to the gala (7-9pm) are $150. For $250, a VIP Gold Tray ticket gets you admission to the gala and a 6-7pm VIP Reception. For $500, a Platinum Tray Supporter ticket gets you VIP and gala admission, plus photo ops with the featured chefs. For reservations and info, call 212-924-0167 or visit farmtotray.org.