Current Exhibitions:
SOHO GALLERY SHOWS NEW SURREALISTIC WORKS A new exhibit explores “The Landscapes of the Mind,” a collection of paintings by Steve Cieslawski. Pictured above is “Incarnation of Young Byron.” CFM Gallery, 112 Greene St. Mon.- Sat. from 11am to 6pm and Sun. from Noon to 6pm. Continues thru Dec. 4. 212-966-3864.
EXHIBIT CELEBRATES RUSSIAN AND EASTERN EUROPEAN SCULPTORS An exhibition of selected sculptors to be included in the upcoming book “Twentieth Century Sculptors of Russian and Eastern European Origin.” Pictured above is “The Censor” by Leonid Lerman. Mimi Ferzt Gallery, 114 Prince Street. Opening Reception is Nov.17 from 7-9pm, guest talk at 8pm. Continues thru Dec. 4. 212-343-9377.
INTIMATE COLORIST PAINTINGS A collection of recent works by “California Nabi” and New York City artist Michelle Martin Taylor. Pictured above is “Village View.” American Painting, 208 E. 6th St. Wed.- Sat. from Noon to 8pm and Sun. from Noon to 6pm.Continues through Nov.30. 212-254-2628.
Abrons Arts Center, Henry Street Settlement, 466 Grand St., 212-598-0400: ON THE LOWER EAST SIDE IN THE 1930s, A 1930s collection of oil paintings and drawings of young immigrant children from the Henry Street neighborhood by Janice Shapiro who taught at the Settlement; Culpepper Gallery; Thru Nov. 18. NEW YORK/PARIS PRINTMAKERS, An exhibition featuring the work of 36 printmakers working in New York City and Paris; Thru Dec. 17; Main Gallery.
American Indian Community House Gallery, 708 Broadway, 2nd floor: INDIGENOUS ANOMALY, Exhibit will feature 5 mid to large-scale oil and pigmented silicone paintings plus works on paper by Jeffrey Gibson. Continues thru Nov. 23.
Art in General, 79 Walker St., 212-219-0473: THE EXPERIMENTAL PROJECT, The storefront gallery will become the starting point and hub for Lee Walton and a group of artists, urban planners & writers, influenced by the practices of psychotherapy, who will play out infiltrations of art within the city. Thru Dec. 17.
blumarts, Inc., 99 Wooster St., Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 212-343-0441: ALEX KATZ: FIRST SIGHT, WORKING DRAWINGS FROM 1965 TO 2002, An exhibition of 400 drawings affording an intimate view of the artist in process; Thru Nov. 12.
Cavin-Morris Gallery, 560 Broadway, 212-226-3768: SYSTEM IN CHAOS, Exhibition focuses on four very different artists whose diverse ways of coping with illness create four different world visions. Thru Nov. 26.
cENTER FOR jEWISH hISTORY, Yeshiva University Museum: A JEWISH ARTIST’S JOURNEY HOME, A spiritual and geographic journey traces photo-realist Max Ferguson’s roots back to his great grandparents in Eastern Europe. Memoir-like notes accompany the artist’s paintings which capture images and sites integral to New York and Jewish culture in the U.S. and Europe. Thru Jan. 29.
Cheryl Pelavin Fine Arts, 13 Jay Street., 212-925-9424: LANDSCAPES & ANIMALIA, Works by Michael Eade in traditional egg tempera using raised metal leaf and brilliant color. The works draw on the cultural and visual art histories of both the East and the West. Thru Nov. 12.
Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center, 107 Suffolk St., bet. Rivington & Delancey: PUERTO RICO FEST 2005, In celebration of Puerto Rican Heritage Month. Thru Nov. 19.
The Cooper Union, Humanities Gallery, 51 Astor Place bet. 3rd & 4th Aves., 212-353-4273: VITALY KOMAR, An exhibition symbolizing the peaceful coexistence of different peoples and different concepts of faith and spirituality; Thru Dec. 11. IMAGES OF BELGIAN RESISTANCE, Free multi-media exhibition, films, gallery tours and a panel discussion explore the topic of the Belgian Resistance following Germany’s attack on France and the Low Countries in 1940; Thru Dec. 10. PURE VISIONARIES, A celebration of the cultural achievements of people on the autism spectrum; Closes Nov. 23.
The Drawing Center, 35 Wooster St., 212-219-2166: PERSISTENT VESTIGES, Drawings from the American-Vietnam War; Features American artists actively involved in questioning the war, artists who traveled with the North Vietnamese Army during the war and young Vietnamese-American artists who address the war and its aftermath; Thru Feb. 11.
educational Alliance Art Gallery, 197 E. Broadway, bet. Jefferson & Clinton Sts., 212-780-2300 x378/428: ABSTRACTION MATTER(S), Exhibit brings together four emerging artists working with traditional materials in new ways to create abstract paintings and sculptures of physical substance. Thru Nov. 18.
Franklin 54 Gallery, 54-56 Franklin St., Lower Level, bet. Broadway & Lafayette, 212-732-0009: ANN WOODWARD, “Collage Paintings” features mixed media pieces that are a combination of abstract thinking and realistic images where the artist has expertly combined intricate visions of landscapes and still lifes to create strong yet sensitive compositions. Thru Nov. 30.
gREY aRT gALLERY, 100 Washington Square East, 212-998-6780: ROOM WITH A VIEW: PAINTINGS BY ANDREA FACCO, Explores the circulation of images in a visual culture completely inundated with them. Thru Dec. 3.
High Line, 820 Washington St.: THE PLAIN OF HEAVEN, An International exhibition inspired by the impending redevelopment of the High Line. The exhibition looks at the way we re-mystify the world we already know. Thru Nov. 20.
Center for Jewish History, 15 W. 16th St., bet. 5th & 6th Aves., 917-606-8200: STARTING OVER, The experience of German Jews in America, 1830-1945, Exhibit focuses on the contributions of German Jews to America; Continues thru Nov. 15. AMERICAN JEWISH LIVES, 1654 to the present, The profiles offer a glimpse at ways to define the balance between American and Jewish as devised by nine American lives from the colonial period to the late 20th century; Thru Dec. 30.
June Kelly Gallery, 591 Broadway, 212-226-1660: NOT ONE NOT TWO, An exhibition of bold, provocative sculpture by Colin Chase. The pieces encourage contemplation and challenge formal spatial logic. Thru Nov. 12.
The Kitchen, 512 W. 19th St., bet. 10th & 11th Aves. 212-255-5793 x11. BORROWED SUN, Exhibition incorporates slide projection, large-scale drawings, sculpture and 16mm film to create a poetic network of relationships among the astronomer Galileo, the jazz musician Sun Ra and the conceptual artist Sol LeWitt. Thru Dec. 17. Free.
Lower East Side Tenement Museum, 90 Orchard St., 212-431-0233, RE:MIXED, art by ESL students will explore the diverse paths that immigrants have traveled and used to reshape American culture in New York, thru Dec. 16.
Malloy-Blitz Tribal, 594 Broadway Suite 205A btwn Prince and Houston Sts. 212-219-9822. ANTIQUE NATIVE AMERICAN DOLLS, The inaugural exhibition that features a collection of over 40 dolls from throughout North America and represents more than 25 tribes. Thru Nov.30.
Maya Stendhal Gallery, 545 W. 20th St., 212-366-1549: THE MAPS, An exhibition of paintings by artist and renowned graphic designer Paula Scher. View a series of eleven paintings of information-gutted, politically-charged maps of the world, the United States, Africa and more. Thru Dec. 17.
MULTIPLE IMPRESSIONS, 128 Spring St. 212-925-1313: An exhibition of new pastels by WILL KLEMM focuses on dream-like landscapes mostly void of any indication of human presence; Nov. 10 – 22. NUDES TO NATURE, The premiere of the newly published catalogue raisonee for mezzotint master Mikio Watanabe in conjunction with an exhibition featuring both recent editions and rare early works. Nov. 29 – Dec. 9. Book signing Dec. 7 from 5-8pm.
Musee De Monoian, 526 East 6th St. #12, 212-529-0759: WOOD, An exhibition showcasing works of art by over 100 artists including East Village artists. Thru Dec 3.
New York Downtown Hospital, 170 William St., Main Lobby: WINDOW COLLECTION II, Recent work created for the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Swing Space Residency Program by Pamela Lawton. Continues thru Jan. 12.
Poets House, 72 Spring Street, 2nd Floor, 212 431-7920. POETS OF THE NON-EXISTENT CITY: LOS ANGELES IN THE MCCARTHY ERA An exhibition of material from the archives of "The California Quarterly" and "Coastlines" representing more than a decade of poetry and graphic arts during the anti-Communist investigations of Sen. Joseph McCarthy in Hollywood. Thru Dec. 10.
pratt manhattan gallery, 144 W. 14th St.: AEROSPACE DESIGN, Nearly 100 wind-tunnel models and artifacts from NASA’s Aeronautical Research’s collection will be displayed to illustrate the importance of industrial designers as well as aeronautical specialists in creating the conceptual aircraft of the future. Thru Dec. 17.
Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, 31 Mercer St., 212-226-3232: CAMOUFLAGED, A series of paintings by Carl Fudge based on the digitization of motifs from Warhol’s Camouflage paintings and Japanese erotic prints that retain only a trace of their source. Thru. Nov. 12.
RUBIN MUSEUM OF ART, , 150 W. 17th St., 212-966-2807: FEMALE DEITIES in Buddhist Art, Gehlek Rimpoche, one of the foremost teachers of Tibetan Buddhism in the west, will speak. Mon., Nov. 14 at 7pm. Event is a fundraiser for Jewel Heart. Tickets are $125, wine & appetizers will be served.
Soho Photo, 15 White St., 212-226-8571: FROM SOUTH TO NORTH, A juried exhibition of 38 photographs in color and black & white representing the work of 14 Argentinean photographers. Thru Dec. 3.
Tracy Williams LTD, 313 bis W. 4th St., 212-229-2757: CINDY BERNARD, An exhibition of photography from 1989-2005 that bridge the artist’s interests in cinema and sound. Continues thru Dec. 23.
Tribes Gallery, 285 East Third Street, 212-674-3778. NYC SUMMER 2005 JOURNAL This exhibition features photographs taken during a three month period by Stefano Giovannini.