The Lower East Side Gauchos baseball team is continuing its winning ways. The Gauchos are now 9-2 in the RBI League and 8-1 in the 16-and-under Felix Millan League — even though the Gauchos don’t have a player over age 14. Last Saturday, the Gauchos beat Ponce, the reigning Millan champs for the last three years in a row, 12-3. The Gauchos are also 3-0 in the 14-and-under Felix Millan League, with two no-hitters. Next month, the Gauchos head to Kentucky where they will play in two tournaments, one for 14-year-old players, the other for 15-year-old players. Said David McWater, chairperson of Community Board 3, who manages the team, “I honestly believe we’re the best 14-and-under team in all of Manhattan — if not the city.” An all-star Felix Millan team, on which the Gauchos fielded six players, was knocked out of the national Little League tournament. Maybe if the team had been all Gauchos, though….