Pussy grabs back II: Women and girls – and of course omnipresent protester Marni Halasa — flooded into Washington Square Park for a massive rally on Wednesday, International Women’s Day. Around the globe, many of the fairer sex chose not to go to work, wear red and limit their spending as part of “A Day Without Women,” demonstrating their economic impact. It was the first major event by organizers of the Women’s March after Donald Trump’s inauguration. The Donald will never be able to live down his 2005 comment, recorded unbeknownst to him, that he thought he could just “grab ’em by the pussy” at will because he was a rich big shot. Nevertheless, on Wednesday, Trump tweeted: “I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.” Yeah, right! Many noted mockingly that, in Trump’s cabinet — which is filled with white men — “it’s always a day without women.”