Volume 18 • Issue 13 | August 19 – 25, 2005
For the first time in 105 years a canal schooner traveled along the Northern Waterway, once a vital commercial route from Canada to the eastern United States, to dock in New York City’s harbor on Aug. 16.
The Lois McClure, which landed at North Cove after a month-long voyage along the Hudson River from Vermont to New York, is an exact replica of a 19th century vessel and was modeled after a boat shipwrecked on a similar journey.
The project was funded by the Cabot Creamery Cooperative of Vermont and was part of a two-day “Best of Vermont Showcase” featuring agricultural, handcrafted and manufactured products from the state at the Winter Garden Plaza.
The reproduction, constructed by Lake Champlain Maritime Museum shipwrights and volunteers, made stops in 23 ports during the historic voyage, and was greeted in New York City by Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont.
Downtown Express photos by Elisabeth Robert
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