
A bar for pregnant women on Avenue A

A storefront in the East Village has been cleverly taken over by a cheeky, to say the least, marketing campaign. At first glance, “Gestations” appears to be a new business, with signage and a pending liquor license application taped into the window.

But wait a minute – NYC’s first bar for… pregnant women? That’s what the sign says!

As Bedford + Bowery reported, this can’t be a real thing.

But there’s a Facebook page, a Twitter account and a phone number. We called it: straight to voicemail.

A sexy voice said:

“Thank you for calling Gestations, New York’s first bar for pregnant women. All you mothers to be should come check out our trimester specials and our 9-month happy hour because now you’re drinking for two. Visit us on Oct. 25 at 504 E. 5th St. before that water breaks.”

Then the voice says to check out the BarTrendr app, and all becomes clear.

See, cheeky, right?