
Talks on Millennium gym money

This could finally be the year for Millennium High School to get enough money for a gym.

City Councilmember Alan Gerson has several irons in the fire during the final days of city budget negotiations, before the June 30 budget deadline.

One possibility is that Gerson will strike a deal with the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, which provided the money to get the school started after 9/11. Gerson is proposing to put $750,000 in city funds toward the gym if the L.M.D.C. matches that donation. The $1.5 million total contribution would give Millennium the money it needs for the gym, since the school already has $1.1 million in the bank from the city and state.

The L.M.D.C. confirmed that the offer was under discussion but would say nothing more.

Robert Rhodes, Millennium’s principal, called the gym one of the most important things his students could ask for, since it will let them play sports year-round.

“They deserve this opportunity,” he said.

If the Gerson-L.M.D.C. deal doesn’t come through, Gerson thinks he can find another way to get the money.

“Nothing’s final, but this is the one thing I’m optimistic about,” he said, referring to what has been a very tight budget season.

— Julie Shapiro